A bit more about me

My Qualifications

I am a qualified veterinary surgeon, having graduated from the Royal Veterinary College.

I have a Master’s degree with Distinction in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Lincoln. I am also registered with the APBC as a provisional* Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB).

A week in the life…

I spend about half my time as a practising vet in a busy charity rescue centre and hospital. A typical day includes a surgical and medical caseload, diagnostic imaging, and in-patient care.

The other half of the week is spent working with cats and dogs with various behavioural problems and running 1:1 and group dog training classes.

*Provisional CAB Members have demonstrated that they have the appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). They are now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and, therefore, become a Full Member of the APBC. The APBC supports its Provisional Members undertaking behaviour consultations.